So a bunch of these shorts that I vaguely assimilated into a short story thing got picked as a finalist in Diagram Magazine's Innovative Fiction Contest, judged by Kelly Link (who has a killer website with a dinosaur, and who I know very little else about), which might get me, like, you know, money and stuff. And I am definitely gonna be published in their next issue (e-issue?) and will get some shorts with the following monogrammed (deliciously) on the ass:

I submit to literally one contest a year if I feel like it, and this was my contest this year, so I'm pretty much totally amped on myself right now and my amazing writing contest batting record. Also, "How I'll Meet My Wife" is going to be on sixsentences.blogspot.com on may 30th, which gets me no money or shorts, but will hopefully garner me some measure of eternal fame. Also, it's a swell blog that I read often, and I thought I'd share.
Onwards to non-self promoting/self congratulatory story time!
Hey Kea,
It is Mike, from high school. Someone I read on the internet was a finalist with you. So I saw your name and searched your name and got here through six sentences. Good Work! I will come through semioften. Good to see you in the sweep. Create a wrestling persona.
Take care,
Homie, you work this contest shit like navy gravy on some of those weird purple mash potatoes they used to have in the dining hall. Also, I'm slightly stalking you because I can't contain my excitement for next week, even though I have no job. Don't hate me.
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